Appointments and Forms for Dr. Khehar's Medical Practice
We see
patients in the office by appointment only. For your initial visit, please arrive fifteen minutes early to complete the necessary paper work. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please advise us at least
24 hours in advance to reschedule. We respect your time and are prompt in
observing your appointment time with us. Your cooperation is necessary to keep us on schedule. In fairness to you and all of our patients, we need you to be on time and to limit last minute appointment changes. We will make every effort to notify you in the event that we are delayed by an emergency.
Please provide us with at least two contact phone numbers
if possible.
Please be prepared to pay your co-payment at the time of
service. We accept cash, checks, and credit card. You must also present your insurance card at the time of your appointment.
Call our office between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM for all routine matters. After hours, we will be available for emergencies only. You can call the general phone number for our office to reach us after hours. You can also leave a message for less urgent matters. In the unlikely event that our phone system malfunctions or you do not receive a timely response, please
call 9-1-1 or go directly to the nearest emergency room.
Please have your pharmacist make all prescription re-fill
requests. Our off-hours staff is not able to handle referrals,
billing matters, or prescription requests.
Please Bring To Your Appointment
Picture Card ID and Insurance Cards
Change of address info
Emergency Party Contact information
Current Medication List
Co-payment (due at time of service)
Downloading these necessary Forms will greatly expedite the service
and convenience we can offer you.